Batoi RAD Framework Application Database Structure

When we install the Batoi Code Framework, seven database tables are created with names as *od_* as below. These tables store application information and are critical to applications created with the Batoi Code Framework.
Table Name Description Fields along with attributes and explanation
s_api Stores module information
  • id - bigint(20)
  • uid - char(36)
  • livestatus - Enum(‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’), [0=public, 1=private, 2=, 3=]
  • versioncode - int(11)
  • createdby - bigint(20)
  • createstamp - datetime
  • updatedby - bigint(20)
  • updatestamp - timestamp
  • s_entity_id - bigint(20)
  • s_name - varchar(200)
  • s_api_key - varchar(200)
  • s_api_secret_hash - varchar(200)
  • s_tenant_id - bigint(20)
  • s_role_id - bigint(20)
  • s_access_ips - bigint(20)
s_config Stores event information
  • s_config_handle - varchar(200)
  • s_config_value - varchar(200)
  • s_config_origin - Enum(‘S’, ‘A’), [S=System, A=Application]
  • s_sort_order - bigint(20)
s_data_field Stores user defined application configurations
  • s_service_id - bigint(20)
  • s_field_name - varchar(255)
  • s_field_label - text
  • s_sort_order - bigint(20)
  • s_field_group_id - bigint(20)
  • s_help_text - text
  • s_field_type_id - bigint(20)
  • s_field_range - varchar(255)
  • s_field_req - Enum(‘M’, ‘O’), [M=Manual, O=Optional]
  • s_data_enc - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]
s_data_field_group Stores pagevar array keys
  • s_service_id - bigint(20)
  • s_group_title - varchar(255)
  • s_description - text
s_data_field_type Stores essential user information
  • s_type - varchar(255)
  • s_definition - json
  • s_sensitivity - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]
s_data_method Stores role information
  • s_service_id - bigint(20)
  • s_method_name - varchar(255)
  • s_description - text
  • s_method_type - Enum(‘S’, ‘C’), [S=Standard, C=Custom]
  • s_custom_query - text
s_data_wf Stores system information
  • s_service_id - bigint(20)
  • s_wfstate_title - varchar(255)
  • s_sort_order - bigint(20)
s_entity Stores role information
  • s_type - Enum(‘U’, ‘A’), [U=User, A=Application]
s_entity_session Stores system information
  • s_entity_id - bigint(20)
  • s_entity_sub_id - bigint(20)
  • s_session_key - char(64)
  • s_device_type - varchar(255)
  • s_operating_system - varchar(255)
  • s_browser - varchar(255)
  • s_ip - varchar(45)
  • s_otp - varchar(10)
s_external_notification Stores role information
  • s_user_id - bigint(20)
  • s_message - text
  • s_event_details - json
  • s_destination - varchar(255)
  • s_sent_status - tinyint(1)
  • s_send_timestamp - timestamp
  • s_notification_type - Enum(‘email’, ‘sms’, ‘wa’), [email=Email, sms=Message, wa=WhatsApp]
s_ms Stores system information
  • s_name - varchar(255)
  • s_description - text
  • s_type - Enum(‘STA’, ‘DYN’, ‘ID’, ‘UID’), [STA=Static, DYN=Dynamic, ID=Primary Key, UID=Universal ID]
  • s_is_saas - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]
  • s_access_scope - Enum(‘public’, ‘private’)
  • s_access_role_ids - varchar(255)
  • s_default_route_id - bigint(20)
  • s_tpl_name - varchar(255)
s_mscontroller Stores role information
  • s_ms_id - bigint(20)
  • s_name - varchar(12)
  • s_description - text
  • s_type - Enum(‘BL’, ‘DM’), [BL=Business Logic, DM=Data Method]
s_msroute Stores system information
  • s_ms_id - varchar(255)
  • s_name - text
  • s_description - Enum(‘STA’, ‘DYN’, ‘ID’, ‘UID’), [STA=Static, DYN=Dynamic, ID=Primary Key, UID=Universal ID]
  • s_degree - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]
  • s_entity_scope - Enum(‘public’, ‘private’)
  • s_service_definition - varchar(255)
  • s_access_role_ids - varchar(255)
s_notification Stores role information
  • s_user_id - bigint(20)
  • s_message - text
  • s_event_details - json
  • s_further_link - varchar(255)
  • s_is_read - tinyint(1)
s_pagepart Stores system information
  • s_service_id - bigint(20)
  • s_pagepart_name - varchar(200)
  • s_description - varchar(255)
  • s_pagepart_code - longtext
s_pagevar Stores role information
  • s_pagevar_handle - varchar(16)
  • s_description - varchar(255)
s_queue Stores system information
  • s_queue_title - varchar(255)
  • s_queue_script_name - varchar(255)
  • s_execution_frequency - Enum(‘1 min’, ‘5 min’, ‘15 min’, ‘30 min’, ‘1 h’, ‘2h’, ‘4h’, ‘6h’, ‘8h’, ‘12h’, ‘1d’, ‘1w’, ‘2w’, ‘1m’, ‘2m’, ‘3m’, ‘4m’, ‘6m’, ‘1y’)
  • s_last_executed - timestamp
  • s_next_execution - timestamp
  • s_queue_status - Enum(‘SUCCESS’, ‘FAILURE’)
  • s_error_message - text
s_role Stores role information
  • s_role_name - varchar(200)
  • s_saas - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]
  • s_default_route_id - bigint(20)
s_sso_provider Stores system information
  • s_provider_name - varchar(200)
  • s_sso_configuration - json
s_tenant Stores system information
  • s_name - varchar(200)
s_user Stores role information
  • s_entity_id - bigint(20)
  • s_login_mode - Enum(‘GL’, ‘TW’, ‘SE’), [GL=, TW=, SE=]
  • s_username - varchar(20)
  • s_password - varchar(200)
  • s_fullname - varchar(200)
  • s_email - varchar(200)
  • s_mobile - varchar(20)
  • s_enablemfa - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]
  • s_tenant_id - bigint(20)
  • s_role_id - bigint(20)
  • s_access_ips - text
  • s_agreement_signed - Enum(‘Y’, ‘N’), [Y=Yes, N=No]

During the course of development, developers add more tables depending on the scope of application.