Platform Features

Develop your application with templates or from scratch using builder tools for data, themes, and microservices. Deploy applications with source code and transparently view the DevSecOps process.

Batoi Cloud Platform

Batoi is RAD

Platform Features
Cloud Apps for Business
Pre-built Microservices for Quick Results
Use pre-built microservices for different applications and usage scenarios to carve out your software quickly.
Workspace, Sites and API
Build Applications from Scratch
Build your application from scratch. Use the tools to create database tables, microservices, themes, menus, and navigation.
Secured Infrastructure
Scalable Architecture with Microservices.
The inherent microservice architecture allows you to manage applications and data in your distributed applications that can scale. Manage identity and access to application resources.
Studio to Automate DevSecOps
Integrate with Third-Party Services
Integrate your applications with cloud services for infrastructure, communication, and collaboration. Extend with other business applications.
Multiple Customer Engagement Models
Access to Source Code
Access application source code with documentation. Ability to modify it outside the Batoi RAD Platform using the Open Source Code Framework in LAMP Stack (more languages and databases to be added in the future).
Open Source Framework
View DevSecOps Process Transparentl
Access to application versions. Deploy and manage code for different cloud servers with customizations. View the DevSecOps process transparently.
Open Source Framework
Manage Team Collaboration
Track bugs/issues with dedicated access to project files. Manage team members and their access to the project. Connect to Slack and project management tools.
Open Source Framework
Security Enforced at Each Step
Batoi RAD platform is certified for ISO9001 for quality and ISO27001 for security, and SOC2. The applications built on it are designed for security and privacy from the ground up.

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